Track 3: Information Sharing and Collaboration Processes & Behaviors
Chairs: Joe Antonik, Kathryn Pimblett, Dang Nguyen
[001] On Facilitating Stability Operations: A Net-Centric, Federated Approach to Information Sharing
Christman, Gerard - Femme Comp
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[015] Modeling interpersonal trust in distributed command and control teams
Evans, Karen - Command Performance Research
Cianciolo, Anna - Command Performance Research
Hunter, Arwen - ARI
Pierce, Linda - ARI
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[035] Coalition Networking in a SOA (Services Oriented Architecture) Environment
Galdorisi, George - SPAWAR
Hszieh, Stephanie - SPAWAR
Jordan, Martin - SPAWAR
Lapic, Stephan - SPAWAR
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[037] Overcoming Obstacles to Collaboration
Cheah, Mervyn - Singapore Technologies Electronics
Thunholm, Peter - Swedish National Defence College
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[050] A Perspective on Approaches for Data Sharing
Morales, R. - MITRE
paper [PDF] | presentation not available
[052] Command & Control in Virtual Environments: Designing a Virtual Environment for Experimentation
Hudson, Ken - Loyalist College
Nissen, Mark - Naval Postgraduate School
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[063] hypothesis management in support of inferential reasoning
Haberlin, Richard - George Mason University
da Costa, Paulo - George Mason University
Laskey, Kathryn - George Mason University
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[066] Situation Awareness for Supervisory Control: Two Fratricide Cases Revisited
Hew, Patrick - DSTO
Lewis, Edward - Australian Defence Force Academy
Radunz, Penelope - Australian Defence Force Academy
Rendell, Sean - Australian Defence Force Academy
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[068] SKIPAL: The Incorporation of Machine Learning Technology into the Strategic Knowledge Integration Web
Lange, Douglas - SPAWAR
Lai, Edward - SPAWAR
Carlin, Michael - SPAWAR
Ling, Andrew - SPAWAR
Keifer, Kellie - SRI International
Deans, Bill - SRI International
Nitz, Ken - SRI International
Tam, Laura - SRI International
Bolton, John - Northrop Grumman
Graves, Bill - Northrop Grumman
Reestman, Bill - Northrop Grumman
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[069] Agility in an Extended Space of Constructible Organisations
Kalloniatis, Alexander - DSTO
Macleod, Iain - DSTO
Kohn, Elizabeth - DSTO
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[094] Web Based Dynamic Workflow Systems for C2 of Military Operations
Martin Jansen, Jan - NLDA
Grant, Tim - NLDA
Lijnse, Bas - Radboud University
Plasmeijer, Rinus - Radboud University
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[106] Maritime Domain Awareness via Agent Learning and Collaboration
Zhao, Ying - Naval Postgraduate School
MacKinnon, Douglas - Naval Postgraduate School
Gallup, Shelley - Naval Postgraduate School
Zhou, Charles - Quantum Intelligence
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[119] Enabling Tactical Edge Mashups with Live Objects
Freedman, Daniel - Cornell University
Birman, Ken - Cornell University
Ostrowski, Krzysztof - Cornell University
Linderman, Mark - AFRL
Hillman, Robert - AFRL
Frantz, Albert - AFRL
paper [PDF] | presentation [ZIP]
[120] Priority Intelligence Requirement Answering and Commercial Question-Answering: Identifying the Gaps
Ulicny, Brian - VIStology
Matheus, Christopher - VIStology
Coombs, Michael - VIStology
Powell, Gerald - ARL
Kokar, Mieczyslaw - Northeastern University
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[139] Awareness Development Across Perspectives Tool (ADAPT)
Petiet, Peter - TNO
van Maanen, Peter-Paul - TNO
van Bemmel, Ingrid - TNO
van Vliet, Tony - TNO
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[159] Team development and virtual social networking
Crebolder, Jacquelyn - DRDC
Randall, Tania - DRDC
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[161] Modeling and Optimizing the Motivation of Workers and Managers for Knowledge-Sharing: A Game-Theoretic Analysis
Wang, Chuan-Min Adam - Stanford University
Levitt, Raymond - Stanford University
Ping Ho, S. - Stanford University
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[176] Analysis of Team Communications to Understand Cognitive Processes used during Team Collaboration
Hutchins, Susan - Naval Postgraduate School
Kendall, Tony - Naval Postgraduate School
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[178] Coordination and Collaboration within Committees In the Information Age
Bekatoros, Nikolaos - Naval Postgraduate School
Bordetsky, Alex - Naval Postgraduate School
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[186] Human and Machine interaction with Knowledge Bases
Bray, Simon - Dstl
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[193] Investigating Tabletop Interfaces to Support Collaborative Decision-Making in Maritime Operations
Scott, Stacey - University of Waterloo
Allavena, Antoine - University of Waterloo
Cerar, Katherine - University of Waterloo
Franck, Glenn - DRDC
Hazen, Mark - DRDC
Shuter, Ted - 13. Gallium Visual Systems
Colliver, Chris - 13. Gallium Visual Systems
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]
[197] Combined Knowledge Management and Workflow Management in C2 Systems – a user centered approach
Kaster, Juergen - FKIE
paper [PDF] | presentation [PDF]