
  1. C2 Concepts,
    Theory, and Policy
  2. Networks and Networking
  3. Information Sharing
    and Collaboration
    Processes and Behaviors
  4. Collective Endeavors
  5. Experimentation
    and Analysis
  6. Modeling and Simulation
  7. C2 Approaches
    and Organization
  8. C2 Assessment Tools
    and Metrics
  9. C2 Architectures
    and Technologies
  10. Collaborative Technologies
    for Network-Centric Operations

Search (authors, titles, numbers):

(must be lowercase)

Track 5: Experimentation and Analysis

Track Chair: Kendall Wheaton
Co-Chair: Keith Curtis

[004] Deriving Reliable Model Revisions
from Executed Plan Data Analysis

Mulvehill, Alice - BBN Technologies
Krisler, Brian - BBN Technologies
Bostwick, Renu - BBN Technologies

paper | presentation

[019] Using Web Services and XML Security
to Increase Agility in an Operational Experiment
Featuring Cooperative ESM Operations

Hafsøe, Trude - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Johnsen, Frank - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Nordbotten, Nils - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Skjervold , Espen - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment

paper | presentation

[020] Integrating Operational Research and Human Sciences
to analyse Network Enabled Capability

Feveyear, Duncan - Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Barber, Peter - Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

paper | presentation

[041] Command Without Commanders

Brehmer, Berndt - Swedish National Defence College

paper | presentation

[069] Cognitive Impact of a C4ISR Tactical Network

Bowman, Elizabeth - US Army Research Laboratory
Thomas, Jeffrey - Naval Postgraduate School

paper | presentation

[077] Results of an Experimental Exploration of Advanced Automated Geospatial Tools: Agility in Complex Planning

Powell, Walter - George Mason University
Laskey, Kathryn - George Mason University
Adelman, Leonard - George Mason University
Johnson, Ryan - George Mason University
Dorgan, Shiloh - George Mason University
Klementowski, Craig - Viecore FSD, Inc.
Goldstein, Andrew - Viecore FSD, Inc.
Yost, Rick - Viecore FSD, Inc.
Visone, Daniel - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Braswell, Kenneth - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

paper | presentation

[078] Evaluation of High Resolution Imagery and Elevation Data

Powell, Walter - George Mason University
Laskey, Kathryn - George Mason University
Adelman, Leonard - George Mason University
Johnson, Ryan - George Mason University
Altenau, Michael - Viecore FSD, Inc
Goldstein, Andrew - Viecore FSD, Inc
Visone, Daniel - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Braswell, Kenneth - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

paper | presentation

[079] Emergent Leadership on Edge Organizations: Building Trust and Cooperation in the context of ELICIT experiments

Rosinha, António José Palma Esteves - Portuguese Military Academy

paper | presentation

[084] Experiments with the Combat CAS:
Unifying Net-Enabled Teams

Hiniker, Paul - DISA

paper | presentation

[097] Constraint Management in Agile Command and Control: Functional Modeling of a Dynamic Wargame Experiment

Woltjer, Rogier - Linköpings universitet
Prytz, Erik - Linköpings universitet
Smith, Kip - Linköpings universitet

paper | presentation

[100] Video Integration in Friendly Force Tracking systems: SIMACOP-FFT, a field experience

Esteve, M. - Technical University of Valencia
Pérez, I. - Technical University of Valencia
Hernández, L. - Technical University of Valencia
Palau, C. - Technical University of Valencia
Domingo, Manuel Esteve - Technical University of Valencia

paper | presentation

[132] On Extending Temporal Models
in Timed Influence Networks

Zaidi, Abbas - George Mason University
Levis, Alexander - George Mason University
Papantoni-Kazakos, P. - George Mason University

paper | presentation

[154] Shannon Entropy as a Metric of Situational Awareness
in C2 Structures

Pimentel Uruguay, André Luiz - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Instituto de Estudos Avançados - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Massaki Hirata, Celso - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica

paper | presentation

[156] Maritime Headquarters with Maritime Operations Center:
A Research Agenda for Experimentation

Hutchins, Susan - Naval Postgraduate School
Kemple, William - Naval Postgraduate School
Kleinman, David - Naval Postgraduate School
Miller, Scot - Naval Postgraduate School
Pfeiffer, Karl - Naval Postgraduate School
Weil, Shawn - Aptima, Inc.
Horn, Zachary - Aptima, Inc.
Puglisi, Matthew - Aptima, Inc.
Entin, Elliot - Aptima, Inc.

paper | presentation

[183] Organizational Modeling and Simulation
in a Planning Organization

Faas, Paul - Air Force Research Laboratory
Swindler, Stephanie - Air Force Research Laboratory
Lyons, Joseph - Air Force Research Laboratory
Levitt, Raymond - Stanford University
Ramsey, Marc - Stanford University
Vincent, Patrick - Northrop Grumman Corporation

paper | presentation

[184] Improving Plan Adaptation Process
Through Semantic Technologies

Staskevich, Gennady R - Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate
Carozzoni, Joseph A. - Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate

paper | presentation