Assessment, Tools, and Metrics
Track Chair: Lynda Sharp
Co-Chair: Dr. James W. Myers
The Impact of Network Centric Operations on Warfighter Effectiveness: A Study Using Agent-Based Models | 029 |
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Theory of Network Architectures: Efficiency, Vulnerability and Robustness | 030 |
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Evaluating a Swedish Airborne Combat Capability using Computer Supported Morphological Analysis | 031 |
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Information Security Valuations: Definitions, Structure and Properties | 088 |
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A Methodology for Analyzing Complex Military Command and Control (C2) Networks | 099 |
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A Measurement and Monitoring System for Tracking and Visualizing Collaboration Metrics in Real-time and for Later Analysis | 102 |
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Using assessment Methods and Tools to Understand Joint Battlespace Digitization | 109 |
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A Systems Engineering Approach to Metrics Identification for Command and Control | 116 |
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Information Age Assessment Applied to Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection | 120 |
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NCW End-To-End (NETE) Model For Future C2 Architecture Assessments | 141 |
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Enterprise Architecture: A Framework for C2 Metrics | 153 |
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Dynamic Influence Nets: An Extension of Timed Influence Nets for Modeling Dynamic Uncertain Situations | 160 |
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Towards Quantifying the Benefits of NEC | 167 |
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Enhanced Situation Awareness using Random Particles | 185 |
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Time-Sensitive Planning Using Point-Interval Logic | 192 |
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On Finding Effective Courses of Action in a Complex Situation Using Evolutionary Algorithms | 248 |
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Time Sensitive/Dynamic Targeting Analysis Techniques and Results | 263 |
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Effects of Functional Allocations and Associated Communications on C2ISR Mission Effectiveness | 264 |
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WESTT (Workload, Error, Situational Awareness, Time and Teamwork): An analytical prototyping software tool for C2 | 269 |
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Applying the NCW Conceptual Framework to FORCEnet: A Case Study | 337 |
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Integrated Architecture-Based Portfolio Investment Strategies | 343 |
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The Dynamic OODA Loop: Amalgamating Boyd’s OODA Loop and the Cybernetic Approach to Command and Control | 365 |
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STRAW - An Integrated Mobility and Traffic Model for VANETs | 369 |
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