Track 7 – Architectures, Technologies, and Tools

Chairs: Mervyn Cheah, Paul Phister

[032] A Task-Based Design Guide for Command and Control

Lemon, Alan - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Cowen, Michael - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
paper | presentation

[041] Towards operational agility using service oriented integration of prototype and legacy systems

Johnsen, Frank - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Bloebaum, Trude - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Lund, Ketil - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Skjervold, Espen - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
paper | presentation

[051] Taking the Next Step: From “Unmanned” to True Autonomy

Galdorisi, George - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Laird, Robin - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Volner, Rachel - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
paper | presentation

[087] C2VE: A Software Platform for Evaluating the Use of 3D Vision Technology for C2 Operations

Wolfe, Britton - Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Fort Wayne
Podgorniy, Dmytro - Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Fort Wayne
Kim, Beomjin - Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Fort Wayne
Sedlmeyer, Robert - Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Fort Wayne
paper | presentation

[091] SPARCCS – Smartphone-Assisted Readiness, Command and Control System

Crewes, Monique - Naval Postgraduate School
Asche, Michael - Naval Postgraduate School
Singh, Gurminder - Naval Postgraduate School
Gibson, John - Naval Postgraduate School
paper | presentation

[094] An architecture based on SOA, RESTful and Mashup for C2 mobile applications

Neto, José Bernardo - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Hirata, Celso Massaki - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Marques, Henrique Costa - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
paper | presentation