
  1. C2 Concepts,
    Theory, and Policy
  2. Networks and Networking
  3. Information Sharing
    and Collaboration
    Processes and Behaviors
  4. Collective Endeavors
  5. Experimentation
    and Analysis
  6. Modeling and Simulation
  7. C2 Approaches
    and Organization
  8. C2 Assessment Tools
    and Metrics
  9. C2 Architectures
    and Technologies
  10. Collaborative Technologies
    for Network-Centric Operations

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(must be lowercase)


[102] Interpersonal Trust in Multi-Organisational Endeavours: Temporary Frames through Social Networks

Ekman, Olof - Lund University

paper | presentations

[044] The I3I Model: Identifying Cultural Determinants of Information Sharing via C2 Information Technologies

van den Heuvel, Gijs - Netherlands Defence Academy
Grant, Tim - Netherlands Defence Academy
van Ettinger, Fred - NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence

paper | presentations

[077] Results of an Experimental Exploration of Advanced Automated Geospatial Tools: Agility in Complex Planning

Powell, Walter - George Mason University
Laskey, Kathryn - George Mason University
Adelman, Leonard - George Mason University
Johnson, Ryan - George Mason University
Dorgan, Shiloh - George Mason University
Klementowski, Craig - Viecore FSD, Inc.
Goldstein, Andrew - Viecore FSD, Inc.
Yost, Rick - Viecore FSD, Inc.
Visone, Daniel - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Braswell, Kenneth - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

paper | presentations

Best Student Paper[165] HMM and Auction-based Formulations of ISR Coordination Mechanisms for the Expeditionary Strike Group Missions

An, Woosun - University of Connecticut
Park, Chulwoo - University of Connecticut
Pattipati, Krishna - University of Connecticut
Kleinman, David - Naval Postgraduate School
Kemple, William - Naval Postgraduate School

paper | presentations

[095] Automatic Alerts in Net-Centric C2 Systems: Effects in the Situational Awareness

Maier de Carvalho, Daniel - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Costa Ribeiro, Carlos Henrique - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica

paper | presentations

[157] Designing and Evaluating Agile C2 Systems
Based on Service Oriented Architectures

Abusharekh, Ashraf - George Mason University
Wagenhals, Lee - George Mason University
Levis, Alexander - George Mason University

paper | presentations