Track Chair: Russell E. Bryant
Naval Sea Systems Command

Track Co-Chair: Craig D. Peterson, PMP

Information Exchange and Display in Asynchronous C2 Group Decision Making
Robert A. Fleming, SPAWAR Systems Center, San Diego

Towards an Ontology for Army Battle C2 Systems
Dr. Ulrich Schade, FGAN - FKIE

Critiquing: A Methodology to Extract C2 Expertise
Dr. Janet E. Miller, Air Force Research Laboratory/HECA

Contracted Logistics Support and Technology During Information Age Transformation - The Solution! or the National Trap?
Russell E. Bryant, Naval Sea Systems Command

Modeling Command and Control in Multi-Agent Systems
Thomas R. Ioerger, Texas A&M University
Linli He, Texas A&M University

The Analysis of Network Centric Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) Using Queueing Theory
Mark G. Hazen, DRDC Atlantic
Robert Burton, MORT NDHQ
Ralph Klingbeil, NUWCDIVNPT
Keith Sullivan, NUWCDIVNPT
Matthew Fewell, MOD, DSTO
Ian Grivell, DSTO
Chris Philp, DTA
Peter Marland, Dstl Analysis

From Simple Prescriptive to Complex Descriptive Models: An Example from a Recent Command Decision Experiment
Lorraine Dodd, QinetiQ
Professor Jim Moffat, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
Professor Jim Q. Smith, University of Warick
Graham Mathieson, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

Methodology for Rapid Development of C2 Planning Systems
Sheena Kelsey, QinetiQ
Simon Snell, QinetiQ

The Asymmetric Nature of Structural Changes in Command and Control Teams: The Impact of Centralizing and Decentralizing on Group Outcomes
Aleksander P.J. Ellis, University of Arizona
John R. Hollenbeck, Michigan State University
Daniel R. Ilgen, Michigan State University
Stephen E. Humphrey, Michigan State University

New Effects-Based Operations Models in War Games
Lee W. Wagenhals, George Mason University
Larry K. Wentz, George Mason University

Re-Use of Integrated Dictionary Components for C4ISR Architectures
Asma T. Ali, George Mason University

Collaborative Critical Thinking
Jared Freeman, PhD, Aptima, Inc.
Kathleen P. Hess, PhD, Aptima, Inc.

Effects-Based Operations; A Historical Perspective for a Way Ahead
Lee W. Wagenhals, George Mason University
Alexander H. Levis, George Mason University
Maris "Buster" McCrabb, DMM Ventures, Inc.

Supporting Threat Response Management in a Tactical Naval Environment
Bruce A. Chalmers, Defence R&D Canada - Atlantic

War Room Team-Based Analysis
Steven M. Shaker, Evidence Based Research, Inc.
Alison E. Leary, Evidence Based Research, Inc.

Threat Networks and Threatened Networks: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Stabilization and Immunization
H. Eugene Stanley, Boston University
Shlomo Havlin, Boston Unviersity, Bar-Ilan University

"COM as Shooter" - Operational Planning Using C2 for Confronting and Collaborating
Captain Andy Baan, NATO
Nigel Howard, dramatec
Andrew Tait, Idea Sciences

Human Factors Engineering: An Enabler for Military Transformation Through Effective Integration of Technology and Personnel
Dr. Glenn Osga, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego
Mr. George Galdorisi, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego

Functional Analysis of the Next Generation Common Operating Picture
Dennis K. Leedom, PhD, Evidence Based Research, Inc.