Track Chair: Donald G. Owen
Veridian Corporation

Track Co-Chair: Paul Labbe, P.Eng.
Attache Defence Research & Development (ADRD)
Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)

Education and Encultration for FORCEnet Warriors
CAPT Mark Tempestilli, USN, United States Naval Academy

Analyzing C4ISR Architecture Through an Automated Data Visualization Environment
Raymond J. Curts, PhD, (CDR, USN Ret.), Strategic Consulting, Inc.
Douglas E. Campbell, PhD, Syneca Research Group, Inc.

Information Extraction from Battlefield Reports
Dr. Matthias Hecking, FGAN/FKIE

Communication and Decisionmaking in C4ISR Sustained Operations: An Experimental Approach
Donald L. Harville, Air Force Research Laboratory
Linda R. Elliott, Veridian Engineering
Christopher Barnes, 1st Lt, USAF, Air Force Research Laboratory
James C. Miller, Air Force Research Laboratory

Modeling Performance in C4ISR Sustained Operations: A Multi-level Approach
Linda R. Elliott, Veridian Engineering
Michael D. Coovert, Veridian Engineering
Christopher Barnes, 1st Lt, USAF, Air Force Research Laboratory
James C. Miller, Air Force Research Laboratory

Congruence of Human Organizations and Missions: Theory versus Data
Georgiy M. Levchuk, Aptima Inc.
David L. Kleinman, Naval Postgraduate School
Sui Ruan, ECE Dept., UCONN
Krishna R. Pattipati, ECE Dept., UCONN

Empirical Comparison of Five Input Devices for Anti-War Warfare Operators
Morten Grandt, FGAN - Research Institute for Communication, Information
Processing, and Ergonomics

Claudius Pfendler, FGAN - Research Institute for Communication, Information
Processing, and Ergonomics

Oliver Mooshage, FGAN - Research Institute for Communication, Information
Processing, and Ergonomics

Using Wargames for Command and Control Experimentation
Robert C. Rubel, Naval War College

Elicitation of British Army Commanders' Personal Constructs
Paddy Turner, QinetiQ

Data Mining Techniques Applied to Urban Terrain Command and Control Experimentations
Janet O'May, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Eric Heilman, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Barry Bodt, U.S. Army Research Laboratory

A Demonstrator for Command and Control Information Systems Technology Experimentation
Bjorn Jervell Hansen, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Ole Martin Mevassvik, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Karsten Brathen, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)

When Do Organizations Need to Change (Part I)? Coping with Incongruence
Frederick J. Diedrich, Aptima, Inc.
Elliot E. Entin, Aptima, Inc.
Susan G. Hutchkins, Naval Postgraduate School
Susan P. Hocevar, Naval Postgraduate School
Brian Rubineau, Aptima, Inc.
Jean MacMillan, Aptima, Inc.

When Do Organizations Need to Change (Part II)? Incongruence in Action
Elliot E. Entin, Aptima, Inc.
Frederick J. Diedrich, Aptima, Inc.
David L. Kleinman, Naval Postgraduate School
William G. Kemple, Naval Postgraduate School
Susan P. Hocevar, Naval Postgraduate School
Brian Rubineau, Aptima, Inc.
Daniel Serfaty, Aptima, Inc.

Understanding and Improving Knowledge Transactions in Command and Control
Ronald A. Moore, Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Inc.
Janel H. Schermerhorn, Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Inc.
Heather M. Oonk, PhD, Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Inc.
Jeffrey G. Morrison, PhD, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego

Scenario Design for the Empirical Testing of Organizational Congruence
David L. Kleinman, Naval Postgraduate School
Georgiy M. Levchuk, Aptima, Inc.
Susan G. Hutchins, Naval Postgraduate School
William G. Kemple, Naval Postgraduate School

Shared Situational Awareness Environment for Tactical Level Humanitarian Emergency Operations
MAJ Hezekiah Barge Jr., Naval Postgraduate School
CAPT Mark S. Davis, Naval Postgraduate School

Christine A.R. MacNulty, Applied Futures, Inc.
John A. Poirier, Scientific Applications International Corporation

"How Much is a Pound of C4ISR Worth?" An Assessment Methodology to Evolve Network Centric Measures and Metrics for Application to FORCEnet
Mr. John A. Poirer, Scientific Applications International Corporation
Mr. Edgar Bates, Scientific Applications International Corporation,
CAPT Mark Tempestilli, USN, United States Naval Academy