Track 2 – Approaches and Organizations

Chairs: Philip Farrell, Alex Bordetsky

[023] Modelling and Assessing Air-Surface Integration

O’Neill, John - DSTO
Byrne, Lydia - DSTO
Fleming, Cherylne - DSTO
Byrne, Duncan - DSTO
Galvin, Bede - VCDF Group
paper | presentation

[038] Modularity and Perspectives of Command and Control of Contingent Army of the Czech Republic During the Operation in Afghanistan

Jaros, Vitezslav - University of Defence Czech Republic
Hruza, Petr - University of Defence Czech Republic
Kozubek, Jaroslav - University of Defence Czech Republic
paper | presentation

[084] The Employment of Structures and Work Patterns in Organizations Involved in Modern, Complex, Multi-National Operations

Pepper, Martin - QinetiQ
Markham, Geoff - QinetiQ
paper | presentation

[106] Organizational Agility Model and Simulation

Farrell, Philip - Defence R&D Canada
paper | presentation

[144] Command and Control Concepts and Solutions for Major Events Safety and Security: Lessons Learned from the Canadian Experience with Vancouver 2010 and G8/G20 Events

Guitouni, Adel - Defence Research and Development Canada Valcartier
Wood, Donna - Defence Research and Development Canada Centre for Security Science
paper | presentation

[146] Plan Failure Analysis and Plan Adaptation for Multi-Level Campaign Planning

Happe, Jens - R & D Defence Canada Valcartier
MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates - R & D Defence Canada Valcartier
Allouche, Mohamad - R & D Defence Canada Valcartier
Bélanger, Micheline - R & D Defence Canada Valcartier
paper | presentation

[151] A Topological Model for C2 Organizations

Uruguay, André Luiz Pimentel - Instituto de Estudos Avançados
Ribeiro, Carlos Henrique Costa - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
paper | presentation

[152] Developing Collaboration in Complex Events: A Model for Civil-Military Inter-Organizational Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

Lemyre, L. - University of Ottawa
Pinsent, C. - University of Ottawa
Johnson, C. - University of Ottawa
Boutette, P. - University of Ottawa
Corneil, W. - University of Ottawa
Riding, J. - University of Ottawa
Lemus, C. - University of Ottawa
Blust, S. - University of Ottawa
Riding, D. - University of Ottawa
paper | presentation

[174] Coexistence or Operational Necessity: The Role of Formally Structured Organisation and Informal Networks During Deployments

Ali, Irena - DSTO
paper | presentation

[181] Mission Command—Realizing Unified Action

Pedersen, Richard - Mission Command Center of Excellence Battle Laboratory
paper | presentation

[184] Management Analysis of Civil-Military Construction in Iraq and Afghanistan

Pluger, Michael - Air Force Institute of Technology
Feng, Peter - Air Force Institute of Technology
Holt, Daniel - Air Force Institute of Technology
Sitzabee, William - Air Force Institute of Technology
paper | presentation