Track Chair: Dr. Ahmed Ghanmi
Department of National Defence, Canada

Track Co-Chair: Dr. Kimberly A. Holloman
Evidence Based Research, Inc.

Day One:

C4ISR Assessment: Past, Present, and Future
Dr. Stuart H. Starr, The MITRE Corporation

Human Performance Modeling for Command and Control of the Tactical Tomahawk
Mary L. Cummings, University of Virginia

Objective Metrics for Evaluation of Collaborating Teams
David Noble, Evidence Based Research, Inc.
John Kirzl, Evidence Based Research, Inc.

Human Aspects of Command
Lieutenant Colonel J.P. Storr PhD, British Army

Performance Measurement for Diagnosing and Debriefing Distributed Command and Control Teams
Joan H. Johnston, PhD, NAVAIR Orlando Training Systems Division
Daniel Serfaty Aptima, Inc.
Jared T. Freeman Aptima, Inc.

Day Two::

Realistic and Affordable Cyberware Opponents for the Information Warfare BattleSpace
Martin R. Stytz, PhD, Air Force Research Laboratory
Sheila B. Banks, PhD, Air Force Research Laboratory
Michael J. Young, PhD, Air Force Research Laboratory

Training Program Review: Theater Battle Management Core Systems (TBMCS) Training Program Evaluation
Marcie E. Zaharee, Dynamics Research Corporation

Design and Evaluation of an Image Analysis Tool Supporting Naval Reconnaissance
Dipl. Biol. Mark Brutting, Research Establishment for Applied Sciences

Dr. Jorg Schweingruber, Research Establishment for Applied Sciences

Case Study of a Prototype Set of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales for C2 Assessment
Jim Murphy, Dynamics Research Corporation
Jock O. Grynoviki, PhD, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Kragg P. Kysor, U.S. Army Research Laboratory