"Enhancing C2 by Use of Simulation - the
Swedish View"
Swen G. Persson, Swedish Defense Wargaming Center
"Forecasting Complex Political and Military Events: The
Application of Expected Utility to Crisis Situations"
Dr. Jacek Kugler, Claremont Graduate University
Dr. Mark Andrew Abdollahian, Decision Insights, Inc.
Dr. Ronald Tammen, The National War College
"Enabling Information Superiority through C4ISR
Robin Quinlan, OUSD (AT&L)
Gordon Tillery, SAIC
"Use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in Support of
the Assessment of Information Technology (IT) and Network Centric
Warfare (NCW) Systems and Concepts"
William K. Stevens, Ph.D., Metron, Incorporated.
"Using M&S Representations of the Natural Environment
in a C4ISR System for Decision Support"
Glenn S. Iwerks, The MITRE Corporation
"Chemical/Biological Plume Analysis Knowledge Source
Dr. Douglas J. Holzhauer, Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr. George Ramseyer, Air Force Research Laboratory
Capt. Robert Duncomb, Air Force Research Laboratory
Mr. David Young, Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr. Digendra Das, SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome
"Applying Distributed Simulation to Understand Dynamic
Planning and Decision Making Processes in Command and Control"
R. Douglas Flournoy, The MITRE Corporation
"A Game-Theoretic Methodology Integrating Weapon and C2
Contributions to Force Effectiveness"
Hans Olav Sundfor, Norwegian Defense Research Establishment
"Assessment of a Model-Based Organizational Design
Methodology in Bridge to Global '99"
Yuri Levchuk, Aptima, Inc.
David L. Kleinman, Naval Postgraduate School, C4I Academic Group
Krishna R. Pattipati, University of Connecticut
William G. Kemple, Naval Postgraduate School, C4I Academic Group
Marc Luoma, Harvard University
"Decision Support Tools for Warfighters"
Steven C. Gordon, Air Force Agency for Modeling & Simulation
"Simulation-based Agent Support in a Synthetic Team-based
C2 Task Environment"
Linda R. Elliott, Veridian Engineering
Scott Chaiken, AFRL Research Laboratory
Mathieu Dalrymple, Veridian Engineering
Plamen Petrov, 21st Century Systems, Inc.
Alexander Stoyen, University of Nebraska at Omaha
"AIRSAM: A Tool for Assessing Airborne Infrared
David Forrai, Sverdrup Technology, Inc.
James Maier, Air Force Research Laboratory
"Measuring and Modeling Change in C3I Architectures"
Kathleen M. Carley, Social and Decision Sciences and H. J. Heinz III
School of Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University
Yuqing Ren, Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University
David Krackhardt, H. J. Heinz III School of Policy and Management,
Carnegie Mellon University
"A Library of Optimization Algorithms for Organizational
Georgiy M. Levchuk, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Connecticut
Yuri N. Levchuk, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Connecticut
Jie Luo, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Connecticut
Fang Tu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Connecticut
Krishna R. Pattipati, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Connecticut
"Object-Oriented Modular Architecture for Ground Combat
V. Berzins, Computer Science Department, Naval Postgraduate School
M. Shing, Computer Science Department, Naval Postgraduate School
Luqi, Computer Science Department, Naval Postgraduate School
M. Saluto, EECS Department, United States Military Academy
J. Williams, JSIMS Joint Program Office