The Director of the Department of Defense Command and Control Research Program (DoD
CCRP) welcomes you to the 2000 Command and Control Research and Technology
Symposium. Sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command,
Control, Communications, and Intelligence (ASD/C3I).Hosted this year by the Naval Postgraduate School, the 2000 CCRTS
is the direct product of initiatives developed under the Office of Naval
Research and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology over twenty years ago.
Papers are sorted both by track and by
author. You may search for any paper by
the author's last name or
by viewing the table of contents. Please
click on the papers
image above to view the main table of contents or a specific track number
or use the drop down
list box to the left. |
This CD also contains the NATO Code of Best
Practice for C2 Assessment and the short Guide to Best Practice
for C2 Assessment presented at the 2000 CCRTS. The Authors are requesting that readers review the document and send them
comments as part of the ongoing development of the NATO COBP. A
questionnaire is included for this purpose. |
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Please follow the link "Download Adobe Reader" to install
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