The theme for the 2000 Command and Control Research and
Technology Symposium is Making Information Superiority
Happen. Some of the innovative thinking that addresses
this theme includes Network Centric Warfare applications,
Information Operations, and the underpinning command and
control disciplines such as C2 Experimentation, Modeling
& Simulation, and C2 Assessment Tools & Metrics.
Conference attendees and participants are invited to
explore these and other C2 related topics within the
context of our theme. We believe that the professional and
technical papers presented here address these issues
head-on and make a substantial contribution to both the
state of the art and the state of the practice of command
and control.
To enable the broadest range of expert opinions and views,
senior members of the government, military, commercial and
academic C2 research communities are here to share their
vision, insights, and concerns. By synthesizing the
expertise of these communities, the CCRP hopes to gain
significant insights into the operational, developmental,
and technical aspects of command and control systems.
The presentations once again are being published prior to
the start of the Symposium to help attendees make the
difficult choice of which sessions to attend and to aid in
their preparation to engage the presenters in meaningful
dialogue. We are looking forward to the presentations and
hope you will take an active part in making the Symposium
a successful endeavor.
We also hope that you will consider participating in the
5th International Symposium on Command & Control
Research & Technology Symposium scheduled October 24
through 26, 2000 at the Australian War Memorial in
Canberra, Australia.