
Frequently Asked Questions

No. As products of the government of the United States, all CCRP publications are in the public domain. They are, however, registered works with the Library of Congress and require full crediting and citations when referenced or reproduced.

Yes. The papers presented at the CCRTS and ICCRTS remain the intellectual property of their authors. While they may be cited, they may not be reproduced without the authors' permission. The CCRP does not hold any rights over these materials and cannot negotiate on the authors' behalfs. If you wish to reproduce a conference paper, please contact the paper's authors (their contact information appears on the cover page of the paper).

Yes. The CCRP encourages the international community to obtain, translate, print, and distribute its publications at no cost to the recipients. Several CCRP books have already appeared in such languages as French, German, Korean, and Japanese. However, the CCRP does not select, sanction, approve, or fund any specific translation or reprinting project.

The CCRP does require that you comply with standard crediting and attribution practices as they apply to intellectual property and that you make us aware of your translation project for our records. Also, if you reprint a CCRP book for distribution, we would appreciate receiving two copies of your printing as well as an estimate of how many copies you produced and who the intended recipients are.

In the Events section of this website, you will find individual pages for each upcoming conference. On each of these pages, you will find the "Call for Papers" for that conference. Follow its directions for paper submission.

The CCRP accepts proposals and manuscripts on subjects such as Network Centricity, Military Experimentation, and Command and Control. Prior to publication, all materials are thoroughly reviewed and typically revised by the author in concert with our reviewers and editorial staff. See our author guidelines for more details.

Yes, subject to approval. Please contact us for approval.