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Guidelines for Authors

The CCRP is currently accepting book proposals and manuscripts in the following subject areas: Command and Control, Network Centric Warfare, Military Transformation, Edge Organizations, Collaboration, Agility, current military operations and recent lessons learned, as well as anthologies of articles or essays on the topics listed above.

Submit your proposal or manuscript (submitting proposals usually saves time and avoids re-drafting and re-organization) with a letter describing the scope, nature, and background of the book, as well as pertinent biographical information about the author as relates to the subject of the book. Indicate any previous published works or writing experience.

The average length of the books we publish varies but is almost never less than 40,000 words.

NOTE: All CCRP publications are government products and provided to the public through the CCRP Web site at no cost. There are no payments, profits, or royalties. The CCRP retains the right to grant reproduction permissions to third parties without the author's prior consent (for example, translations and reprintings by foreign governments).

Your submission will be initially reviewed by the CCRP senior staff. If you have submitted a proposal, you may be contacted to discuss the execution of the manuscript. If you have submitted a manuscript, and it is deemed appropriate for publication by the CCRP, it will be circulated among a group of subject matter experts for peer review. If still deemed appropriate, the feedback from the peer review will form the basis for further editorial revisions by the author to complete the manuscript. Once approved, the completed manuscript will be transferred to the CCRP editorial staff for:

  • Editing, fact checking, & indexing
  • Illustration, cover, & layout design
  • Library of Congress registration & GPO submission

Submit a manuscript or proposal