The CCRP held a workshop entitled "Modeling of C2 Decision Processes Workshop" 7-31-01 to 8-02-01. The plenary discussions from the workshop are shown below.

Bush/Rumsfeld Defense Priorities/Objectives A Mandate For Change (.zip)(170k)
David Signori

Modeling C2 Decision-Making Processes (.zip)(263k)
David Signori - Richard E. Hayes

C2 Modeling in JWARS (.zip)(965k)
Lt Col Greg McIntyre

Advances in Decision Modeling: The DMSO Vector (.zip)(2.8MB)
Lt Col Eileen A. Bjorkman - Zach Furness

Modeling Organizational Decision Making in Military Command & Control (.zip)(8MB)
Dennis K. Leedom

Modeling C2 Decision-Making Processes Operational Perspectives (.zip)(31k)
Richard E. Hayes

Model-Based Design of High-Performance Command & Control Organizations (.zip)(1.5MB)
Daniel Serfaty

Charge to the Working Groups (Short) (.zip)(154kB)

Charge to the Working Groups (Long) (.zip)(5MB)

The Loaded Loop: A Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Model of Command and Control (C2) Processes in Combat (.zip)(522k)
Paul J. Hiniker

Multi-dimensional Clustering Analysis Ex: Cluster on Information (.zip)(785k)