
  1. C2 Concepts,
    Theory, and Policy
  2. Networks and Networking
  3. Information Sharing
    and Collaboration
    Processes and Behaviors
  4. Collective Endeavors
  5. Experimentation
    and Analysis
  6. Modeling and Simulation
  7. C2 Approaches
    and Organization
  8. C2 Assessment Tools
    and Metrics
  9. C2 Architectures
    and Technologies
  10. Collaborative Technologies
    for Network-Centric Operations

Search (authors, titles, numbers):

(must be lowercase)


[062] Agile Sense-Making in an Intersubjective Environment

Mitchell, William - Royal Danish Defence College

paper | presentation

[191] Towards Trust-based Cognitive Networks:
A Survey of Trust Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Jin-Hee Cho - Army Research Laboratory
Swami, Ananthram - Army Research Laboratory

paper | presentation

[040] Decentralized Team Model for New Service Functions, Features and Control

Yamaguchi, Hiroshi - The Nagaokakyo Chamber Ensemble
Gotaishi, Masahito - The Nagaokakyo Chamber Ensemble
Chuo University - The Nagaokakyo Chamber Ensemble
Mori, Yuko - The Nagaokakyo Chamber Ensemble
Ramamoorthy, Chitoor - University of California, Berkeley

paper | presentation

[082] Decentralized Command and Control:
Self-Organization in a Simple Model for Emergency Response

Bell, Michael - Alidade Incorporated

paper | presentation

Best Paper[041] Command Without Commanders

Brehmer, Berndt - Swedish National Defence College

paper | presentation

[060] Assessing Resilience in Complex Adaptive Societal Systems

van Lieburg, A. - TNO Defence
Petiet, P.J. - TNO Defence
van Scheepstal, P.G.M. - TNO Defence
Le Grand, N.P. - TNO Defence

paper | presentation

[109] Automated Instantaneous Performance Assessment
for Marine-Squad Urban-Terrain Training

Rowe, Neil - Naval Postgraduate School

paper | presentation

[018] Interoperability Risk Mitigation through the Application
of Operational Capability Based Engineering

Lenahan, Jack - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center

paper | presentation

[108] PROGNOS: Applying Probabilistic Ontologies to Distributed Predictive Situation Assessment in Naval Operations

da Costa, Paulo - George Mason University
Laskey, Kathryn - George Mason University
Chang, KC - George Mason University

paper | presentation