
Recent Releases

Power to the EdgeThe Agility Advantage: A Survival Guide
For Complex Enterprises and Endeavors

David S. Alberts | 2011
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This book is a call to action. It is no longer sufficient for an organization to simply be effective. Today’s organizations must also develop agility in order to successfully cope with the complex challenges they face in a dynamic and uncertain world. This book explains why agility, once a nice-to-have capability, is now an imperative. Readers are provided with an in-depth understanding of this essential capability, its enablers and inhibiters, and ways to visualize and measure agility. Experimental results are used to illustrate the agility advantage as well as the adverse consequences of a lack of agility. This book outlines a plan to improve an organization’s agility, and identifies the research needed to improve our understanding of agility.

Power to the Edge and Network Centric Warfare Now Available in eBook Formats!

As a courtesy to our readers Power to the Edge and Network Centric Warfare are now available for download from the CCRP website in ePub (readable by Apple iPad, Barnes and Noble Nook, Sony Reader, etc.) and Kindle formats.

They can also be downloaded from (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), and iTunes (via their iBook app for the iPhone and iPad).

Power to the EdgeAdapting Modeling & Simulation for Network Enabled Operations
James Moffat | 2011
Download: PDF [3.6M]

The essence of this book is to describe how the UK Ministry of Defence has risen to the challenges of complex endeavors and the information age by investing in the development of new analytical tools, in particular closed form simulation modeling, in order to provide the evidence base for improved high level decision-making in government. At the core of the approach is the development of a consistent representation of command and control across the suite of models. This development was itself significantly influenced by the interaction and exchange of ideas drawn from a number of NATO research task groups—and the development of these ideas is still continuing. These developments are brought together in illustrating how they impact the shaping of UK defense policy through informing high level decision-making by officials and government ministers.

Power to the EdgePower to the Edge eBook
David S. Alberts and Richard E. Hayes | 2003
Download: PDF [3.2M] | ePub [3.3M]
| Kindle [2.9M]

Power to the Edge articulates the principles being used to provide the wideband network that people will trust, populate with information, and use to share awareness, collaborate effectively, and synchronize their actions.

QuotationThis book is truly a must-read for anyone interested in decentralization and the social and organizational relevance of shifting power to the edge, whether in a commercial or a defense context." – Ray Ozzie, Chief Software Architect, Microsoft more››

"[Power to the Edge] may be the best written government document of the 21st century so far." – Dan Ancona, Project Director, California VoterConnect more››

1Network Centric Warfare eBook
David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, and Frederick P. Stein | 1999
Download: PDF [1.8M] | ePub [4.8M] | Kindle [2.4M]

This book articulates the nature of the characteristics of Network Centric Warfare, and suggests a process for developing mission capability packages designed to transform NCW concepts into operational capabilities.

QuotationNCW is going to change the way we fight; it is unrealistic to think otherwise when we see the information technology revolution that is taking place all around us."
Thomas Carroll, Wings of Gold more››

"[Network Centric Warfare] is highly recommended for the new generation of officers corps who aspire to command." – LTC Tan Kim Seng, Republic of Singapore Army more››

coverNATO NEC C2 Maturity Model
SAS-065 | 2010
Download: PDF [4.68M]

The NATO NEC C2 Maturity Model (N2C2M2) was developed to build on dearly won insights from the past, but goes beyond them in order that we can exploit Information Age approaches to address new mission challenges. This way of thinking about C2 is thus entirely compatible with current NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) thinking on Future Capable Forces which puts the emphasis on Mission Command within federated complex environments and ad hoc coalitions. The N2C2M2 was developed by the RTO SAS-065 Research Task Group over a period of about three years. It starts by defining a number of C2 approaches, ranging from Conflicted C2 to Edge C2, that correspond to different regions within the C2 Approach Space, containing the different possible approaches to accomplish the functions that are associated with command and control. This approach space can be viewed from two perspectives. First, it can be used to think about C2 within existing organizations. Second, it can be used to think about how a disparate set of independent (yet inter-dependent) entities, that is, a collective, can achieve focus and convergence.