

SAS-104 Logo

The goal of SAS-104 is to improve NATO, member nation and coalition partner C2 Agility thereby improving their ability to be successful in the face of increasing mission uncertainty and complexity. This activity has three inter-related objectives:

First, to build upon the work of SAS-085 by 1) disseminating and explaining C2 Agility concepts and SAS-085 findings and conclusions, 2) continuing evidence gathering (e.g., through additional case studies and investigation of C2 Agility in the context of exercises, as feasible) to further validate the C2 Agility concepts, and 3) performing research on selected C2 Agility-related topics.

Second, to partner with a variety of military organizations to develop the capability to employ more than one approach to C2 and to provide evidence-based advice on how to adopt the most appropriate approach as a function of the mission and circumstances.

Third, to explore the costs and benefits of improving C2 Agility.

The first meeting of SAS-104 was held 11-13 June, 2014. We are currently enaged in identifying partners in military education, concept development, experimentation, training, system and doctrine development to work with.

If you are interested in participating in our activity, please contact us at:

SAS-085 Report Executive Overview

SAS-085 Final Report

Annex A: Hetergeneous C2

Annex B: Case Studies Notes

Annex C: UK C2 Agility Work