
International C2 Journal: Issues

Author Information Center

The Author Information Center provides details on what the International C2 Journal requires when submitting a paper for review. Please select from the menu below for information on:

General Policies
Submission Requirements
File Types
Contact Information
Contributing Authors
Paper ID
Text-Formatting Requirements
Paper Criteria
Journal Scope
Intended Audience
Topics of Interest
Review Process
Reproducing Journal Content
Contact Us


General Policies

  1. By submitting a manuscript, the author accepts full responsibility for having obtained their organization’s permission or release to publish their work. While publication in the Journal in no way alters the author’s or organization’s ownership of the material, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that they are compliant with their organization’s policies and procedures prior to submitting their work to the IC2J for publication.
  2. By submitting a manuscript, the author accepts the responsibility that all authors have agreed to be so listed and have seen and approved the manuscript, its content, and its submission to us. Any changes in authorship must be approved in writing by all of the original authors.
  3. Authors retain all copyrights over their materials after publication in the Journal.
  4. Any reasonable request for materials, methods, or data necessary to verify the conclusions of the experiments reported must be honored by the author.
  5. All data and similar supporting materials must be made available to the CCRP community on the CCRP website.
  6. Any article that exceeds the 5,000-word limit, excluding appendices, tables and illustrative matter, may be rejected automatically without going through the review process. Each submission should have a title page containing the article’s title and the names, affiliations, and contact information for all coauthors. 

Submission Requirements

Concurrent Submission: We do NOT allow submission to more than one publication at one time. If we determine that an article has been submitted to another publication before IC2J’s review process is completed, we will automatically reject that manuscript.

Duplicate Submissions: We do NOT accept duplicate submissions. Authors should not try to submit a modified version of manuscripts that are already in the system as a new submission. Identical submissions will be immediately rejected.

Preliminary/Conference Version(s):  Articles presented in previous technical meetings (CCRP or others) or conferences may be considered for publication in the IC2J. Any such papers should present material of lasting interest, describing an original contribution to the field. The paper(s) should emphasize advancements in knowledge rather than specific products or systems.  The reviewer(s) should check the submission to determine whether a sufficient amount of new material has been added to warrant publication in IC2J.  New results are not required, but the submission should contain expansions of key ideas, examples, elaborations, etc., of the previous version.

File Types

All submissions must be Microsoft Word documents with 1” margins in Times New Roman, 12 pt fonts.  All files will be converted to a PDF prior to publication. 

Contact Information

Email is our primary means of communication, so you should verify that all information is correct and up-to-date. Also, if authors anticipate the need to be notified at two email addresses, please include the second email address (Cc).  Authors should notify the Guest Editor and Publications Coordinator if any changes occur to the email address of the contributing authors.

Contributing Authors

Authors should list those who contributed to writing the paper. For articles with multiple authors, please designate one person as the Point of Contact (POC). The Publications Coordinator and Guest Editor(s) will communicate with the POC throughout the review /publication process. The POC is responsible for passing on any information to the other authors. 


The abstract should be no more than 200 words and should describe the manuscript's overall focus.


All illustrations must be cited in the text, numbered, and have descriptive captions. We accept illustrations in jpg, and pdf formats. Please provide high-quality, high-resolution files for best results. We often redraw line art to conform with other drawings in the journal; submitted drawings should be clear and complete.  If an article is accepted, authors should be prepared to submit separate files for each figure. Authors are responsible for securing permission to use any and all figures.

Paper ID

A unique tracking number, Paper ID, will be assigned to your submission and must be used for ALL future correspondence. 

Text-Formatting Requirements

The following section describes the IC2J's requirements for both the form and content of all journal articles. Please review them carefully prior to your submission(s). 

  1. All submissions must be Microsoft Word documents with 1” margins in Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  2. All submissions must include a title, author’s full name and title, author’s position and organization, an abstract (not to exceed 200 words), main text, and list of references.
  3. Do not number headings. Use no more than two heading levels (level one: bold; level two: italics).
  4. Provide captions for all figures and tables.
  5. Provide an abbreviated title, to appear as a running header, of no more than 35 characters and spaces.
  6. Place all text in a single column.  Please double-space all text in the body of the paper.
  7. Please only use one space after each period. As noted in the CMOS “there is no reason for two spaces after a period in published work.”
  8. All in-text references are to utilize the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) “Author-Date” format (Alberts 2003, 17-19). Include a list of references at the end of the article. Please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style Online Citation Guide for further reference formatting examples (refer to the "T" example for in-text citations and the "R" example for your list of references).
  9. When reporting Analyses and Experiments or any statistical results, make sure that these data analyses are described (central tendency, distribution, number of cases in the analysis, confidence intervals, etc.) in the body or in an appendix. When reporting experiment results, you must provide sufficient information such that the experiment could be replicated, as per accepted scientific studies. This means providing an overview of the experimental design (within-subject, between-subject, Latin square, etc.), describe statistical processing methods used (ANOVA, Regression Analysis, etc.), the measure of statistical validity for any conclusions you draw (in the body of the paper), and the implications of your conclusions. The statistical validity must be in the body of the paper. Authors are urged to make raw data available so that others can build upon and extend the body of knowledge.
  10. Any article that exceeds the 5,000-word limit, excluding appendices, tables and illustrative matter, may be rejected automatically without going through the review process. Each submission should have a title page containing the article’s title and the names, affiliations, and contact information for all coauthors.  If acronyms must be used, each one should be defined on its first appearance.

Paper Criteria

Papers will be judged on the originality and quality of the argument or discussion, the relevance and timeliness of the topic, and on quality of the writing style. The Reviewers and Editors will be evaluating your paper(s) based on the following criteria:

  1. Is the topic appropriate for the Journal?
  2. Is the article intellectually stimulating?
  3. Is the literature review adequate/appropriate?
  4. Is the research design adequate/appropriate?
  5. Is the data analysis adequate/appropriate?
  6. Are the conclusions reasonable?
  7. Does the article advance the state of knowledge?
  8. Is the article logical and consistent?
  9. Is the article’s argument persuasive?
  10. Is the writing clear and readable?

 Papers will not be accepted if:

  1. Topics stray from the conceptual focus of the IC2J.
  2. Attempts are made to promote or sell specific goods and/or services.
  3. Claims are unsubstantiated or facts are inaccurate.
  4. Scientific merit is lacking.
  5. Writing/explanations are poor.
  6. The authors do not complete the requested revisions, based on the outcome of both the peer and editorial review process.

Journal Scope

The Journal focuses on publishing original archival papers that communicate new conceptual insights, design approaches, and experimental findings in the C2 field, encompassing organization, doctrine, and systems.  The Journal encourages interdisciplinary aspects of C2.

In using the term command and control, the Journal does not limit its focus to either the military or the kinds of hierarchical command structures traditionally associated with strictly military organizations. It includes activities such as disaster relief, peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and other endeavors that entail collaboration and coordination between disparate organizations (military and otherwise). Accordingly, the Journal recognizes the importance of scholarship in academic fields such as management, organization, sociology, cognitive psychology, behavioral decision making, complex adaptive systems, strategy and others. Indeed, because the study of C2 is inherently multidisciplinary, the Journal welcomes contributions that cross, blend, and integrate various interdisciplinary threads. Further, the Journal recognizes that a variety of research methods offer potential to contribute new knowledge to our understanding of C2. It welcomes both theoretical and empirical research, using accepted and applicable analytical, computational, laboratory, and field research methods.

Intended Audience

The audience of the IC2J extends beyond the CCRP core community, that is, those who participate in CCRP sponsored activities and those who read and utilize CCRP publications.  This extended community consists of an international group of scholars and professionals from academia, industry, government, and the military who are interested in how the functions associated with command and control could and are being accomplished in a wide variety of complex endeavors.  Its practitioners thus include not only military personnel, but also international organizations, non-governmental organizations and private industry. Through its contributions to CCRP events and publications, this community supports the CCRP’s objective of advancing the state of the science, art, and practice in C2 and in understanding the national security implications of the Information Age. Papers submitted to the journal should contribute to this understanding, to inform development of future C2 policy, concepts, organization, doctrine, education, research, analysis, and systems.

Topics of Interest

The Journal seeks papers across the following topic areas:

  1. Theory and concepts, introducing new ideas that can motivate innovative approaches to accomplishing the functions associated with command and control and executing a disparate set of missions. This includes new organizational or doctrinal concepts, models and metrics, teaming/coalition structures, and decision support strategies.
  2. Systems design and development, providing guidance and lessons learned on how to architect next-generation systems that enable network-centric operations. Specific areas of interest include machine-to-machine interoperability, decision support, modeling and simulation, and planning. The emphasis should not be to advertise the capabilities of specific products or systems, but rather to communicate engineering findings that can further the practice of systems development.
  3. Experimentation and assessment that reviews any substantial study conducted in the laboratory or the field, yielding qualitative and quantitative insights that would benefit the community. This would include significant findings from exercises or real-world operations that demonstrate the utility of C2 concepts, approaches, and/or systems in action.
  4. State of the science, art, and practice of Command and Control
  5. Analysis, Tools, and Methods to include problem formulations, measures of merit, mathematical, constructive and various applications, simulation models as well as other innovative approaches.

Review Process

All Articles submitted for publication in the IC2J will be subjected to rigorous, double-blind peer review (reviewers are anonymous to the authors, and vice versa) by at least three professionals who have been approved by the Editorial Board.

Authors will receive a confirmation letter verifying that their submission meets the IC2J’s requirements and has been sent out for an initial review.  If an article is deemed appropriate but in need of revision, the author will receive detailed comments from the reviewers. The author will be invited to execute the indicated revisions and submit the revised article for final evaluation by the same reviewers.  If an article is deemed unacceptable and thus rejected, the author will be informed of this decision. The reviewers’ comments will be made available to the authors upon request for purposes of organizational transparency and scholarly improvement.  Reviews are used as the basis for acceptance and content revisions, however, members of the CCRP and the Editor-in-Chief make the final decision regarding publication. 


After an article is accepted for publication, it will be edited by IC2J staff editors for layout purposes.  Authors should be prepared to submit separate files for each figure/illustration.  The process generally begins about two-three weeks before publication; the article will be reformatted to match the IC2J’s layout and style.  Remember authors are responsible for securing permission to use any and all figures.

Depending on the article’s length, clarity and technical content, the editing process sometimes includes revisions.  The process is iterative to ensure technical accuracy, but it is designed to increase every article’s appeal and readability.  It may also take longer to complete the publication process for an entire special issue due to the status of other paper; which may be at various stages of pre-publication.  Please note that your article will be published as soon as possible, once you complete any requested revisions and approve the final PDF proof.  Please keep in mind that the Guest Editor’s Introduction may not appear until all relevant submissions have completed the peer review process. 


By submitting a paper, the author certifies that the manuscript is not copyrighted.  The papers published in the IC2J remain the intellectual property of their authors.  The CCRP does not hold any rights over these materials and cannot negotiate on the author’s behalf.  Authors retain all copyrights over their materials after publication.

Reproducing Journal Content

Permission is required before reproducing any content (text, photos, tables, figures) from the IC2J. This requirement is not intended to prevent authors from posting a PDF of their journal article on their own website, as long as it is accompanied by an acknowledgement and/or link to the IC2J.  To request permission, please send us a request via e-mail with the following information:

  1. Your name, institute, and title
  2. Your complete mailing address, phone number, and fax number

Identify the content you wish to use:

  1. Article title
  2. Authors' names
  3. Specific figure numbers or portion of text (or supply a photocopy)

Include the following information about your intended use:

  1. Title of book/journal in which the material will appear
  2. Title of article/chapter
  3. Author(s)/editor(s)
  4. Expected publication date (or volume and issue number for journals)
  5. Publishing company
  6. Intended audience for the book/journal

Contact Us

To submit an article, or if you have any questions, please contact the Publications Coordinator