C2 Experimentation
Track Chair: Keith Curtis
Co-Chair: Varley Wrick
Network Based Effectiveness | 009 |
Prof. Henrik Friman, Ph.D. - Swedish National Defence College | |
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Towards Realising Parallelism for Echelons of Command | 016 |
Mervyn Cheah - Singapore Armed Forces Centre For Military Experimentation Gwenda Fong - Singapore Armed Forces Centre For Military Experimentation |
paper | presentation |
Experiences from Implementing Dynamic and Secure Web Services | 028 |
Rolf E. Rasmussen - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
(FFI) Anders Eggen - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) Raymond Haakseth - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) |
paper | presentation |
Improving Platoon Leader Situation Awareness with Unmanned Sensor Technology | 049 |
Elizabeth K. Bowman Ph.D. - U.S. Army Research Laboratory |
paper | presentation |
SHELIDON – Smart Heliborne for Distributed Operations | 050 |
Mervyn Cheah - Singapore Armed Forces Centre For Military Experimentation Lee Tin Hua - Singapore Armed Forces Centre For Military Experimentation Anthony Chua - Singapore Armed Forces Centre For Military Experimentation Dennis Lim - Singapore Armed Forces Centre For Military Experimentation |
paper |
Integrated Battle Command Experimentation: Evaluating Transformational Concepts and Cutting Edge Technology In An Operational Environment | 066 |
Peter S. Corpac - Science and Technology Associates Kevin Frisbie - Science and Technology Associates Joseph Saur - Science and Technology Associates John R. Gingrich - Science and Technology Associates |
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Exchanging PMESII Data to Support the Effects-Based Approach | 081 |
Daniel Snyder - Booz Allen Hamilton Andreas Tolk - Virginia Modeling Analysis & Simulation Center |
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User Focused Design and Development of a Decision Support System for Electro-optical Reconnaissance | 088 |
Oliver Mooshage - FGAN, Research Institute for Communication, Information
Processing, and Ergonomics Andreas Thun - FGAN, Research Institute for Communication, Information Processing, and Ergonomics Jörg Schweingruber - FGAN, Research Institute for Communication, Information Processing, and Ergonomics |
paper |
Instant Messaging and Team Performance in a Simulated Command and Control Environment |
092 |
Gregory J. Funke - General Dynamics Scott M. Galster - Air Force Research Lab W. Todd Nelson - Air Force Research Lab Allen W. Dukes - Air Force Research Lab |
paper | presentation |
Real Options and Value Driven Design in Spiral Development | 095 |
John W. Dahlgren - The MITRE Corporation | |
paper | presentation |
Applying CMMI-AM to a C4ISR Project from the Buyer’s View | 102 |
paper | presentation |
Battle Command System Analysis Methodology
in the Cross Command Collaborative Effort (3CE) Environment |
116 |
Craig T. Doescher - The MITRE Corporation Eric M. Johnson - TRADOC Analysis Center Wesley Hamm - The MITRE Corporation |
paper | presentation |
Operational Thread Development: A Structured Approach to Capability Analysis |
122 |
Scott Hamilton - Air Force Experimentation Office William Solterbeck - Air Force Experimentation Office Jean Wright - Air Force Experimentation Office |
paper | presentation |
Command World | 142 |
paper | presentation |
Taxonomic and Faceted Classification for
Intelligent Tagging and Discovery in Net-Centric Command and Control |
146 |
Dale E. Lichtblau - Institute for Defense Analyses Andrew W. Trice - Institute for Defense Analyses Steven P. Wartik - Institute for Defense Analyses |
paper | presentation |
Effects of Alerts on Army Infantry Platoon Leader Decision Making and Performance | 148 |
Andrea S. Krausman - U.S. Army Research Laboratory Rodger A. Pettitt - U.S. Army Research Laboratory Linda R. Elliott, Ph.D. - U.S. Army Research Laboratory |
paper | presentation |
Battle Lab Simulation Collaboration Environment
(BLSCE): Multipurpose Platform for Simulation C2 |
208 |
COL Charles Dunn III - Battle Command Battle Laboratory CPT Corey S. Pressley - Battle Command Battle Laboratory Arthur Sheppard - Battle Command Battle Laboratory |
paper | presentation |
Experiments into the Operation and Effectiveness of Edge Organizations | 219 |
Lorraine Dodd - QinetiQ Sean Richardson - QinetiQ Anthony Alston - QinetiQ Patrick Beautement - QinetiQ |
paper | presentation |
Effects-Based Operation Planning: “Convergent” Course of Action (COA) Development | 229 |
Louis M. Durkac, Colonel, USAF - Joint Forces Staff College | |
paper | presentation |
Network on Target: Remotely Configured Adaptive Tactical Networks | 237 |
Alex Bordetsky - Naval Postgraduate School Eugene Bourakov - Naval Postgraduate School |
paper |