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We would like to welcome you to this year’s International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium. Our community currently faces one of our most significant challenges. This challenge is no less than a re-conceptualization of command and control in light of the profound changes that have occurred in the nature of the endeavors that our military and civilian institutions are being called upon to undertake in the 21st century. The theme of this year’s symposium, “C2 for Complex Endeavors,” appropriately assumes that C2 needs to adapt to the situations and circumstances faced in this century and that a failure to adapt the approaches we take to accomplishing the functions long associated with command and control will adversely affect our ability to accomplish the missions that are undertaken.

The long-held assumption that one can approach Coalition C2 in a manner similar to the ways individual organizations approach C2 is increasingly recognized as fundamentally flawed. A possible exception to the “rule” is when individual organizations take a “Power to the Edge” approach; but serious exploration of this non-traditional approach to C2 is just beginning. This year’s plenary presentations have been selected to provide perspectives on 21st century mission challenges; new ways to think about C2 and tools that may be useful in exploring non-traditional approaches to C2. The papers in the Track Sessions represent a wide variety of C2-related subjects and perspectives offering an in-depth snapshot of where we are in our thinking and exploration.

As promised, we have instituted a more rigorous review process, setting the bar higher for paper acceptance. We intend to continue to ratchet up the standards by which we judge the papers that are submitted. Our track chairs are being asked to help authors improve their papers aw well as mentor younger and less experienced authors.

We hope that you enjoy this year’s symposium and plan to attend future events including the 14th ICCRTS in Washington, DC. Please watch www.DoDCCRP.org for updated information regarding these events and to access CCRP books and the International C2 Journal.

Dr. David S. Alberts
Director of Research OASD (NII)