
Findlay, Trevor, ed. Challenges for the New Peacekeepers, SIPRI Research Report #12, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, 170 pp.

Using 1989 as the breakpoint between old" and "new" peacekeepers participating in both UN-sponsored and other regional peacekeeping/observer groups, the contributing authors discuss the transformation in the countries willing to (or feeling obliged to) provide troops for peace operations. Major sections look at Japan, Germany, Russia, the U.S., OSCE and NATO. Separate chapters cover China, France, Spain, and discuss further the geo-political status of Latin America and Africa as the more likely areas from which requests for peace operations will come. Contact Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, tel 468/655 9700, fax 468/655 8733, email sipri@sipri.se, Internet URL http://wwwsipri.se

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