
The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. III, No. 1, Winter/Spring 1995. This issue devotes some 130 pages to "UN Peacekeeping: Challenging a New Era" with 15 authors.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali "UN Peacekeeping: an Introduction"

Sergey Lavrov "The Russian View of Peacekeeping: International Activity for Peace"

Qin Huasin "The Importance of Observing UN Peacekeeping Norms"

Sir John Weston "United Nations Peacekeeping"

Tono Eitel "Am I My Brother's Keeper? A German View of UN Peacekeeping"

Francesco Paolo Fulci "The Future of Peacekeeping"

Karel Kovanda "Challenges to Crafting and Keeping the Peace"

Nugroho Wisnumurti "The UN and Peace Enforcement"

Yashusi Akashi "The Dilemmas of Peacekeeping"

Shashi Tharoor "The Challenges to UN Peacekeeping"

Alex Morrison "UN Peacekeeping Reform: Something Permanent and Stronger"

Michael Harbottle "Security and International Conflict Control in the 1990s:

UN Peacekeeping in Its Proper Perspective"

Victoria K. Holt "Reforming UN Peacekeeping: The U.S. Role and the UN Financial Crisis"

James P. Terry "UN Peacekeeping and Military Reality"

Sir Brian Urquhart "Where Are We Going?"

Contact Editors, Brown Journal of World Affairs, Brown University, Box 1930, Providence, RI 02912, tel/fax (401) 521-1767.

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