North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) Colloquium 1995: Status of Economic Reforms in Cooperation Partner Countries in the mid-1990s: Opportunities, Constraints, Security Implications," NATO Economic Directorate and Office of Information and Press (293 pp.).
Some may find this entry unexpected or out of place, but this book, through case studies, reinforces the point that past failures in the economic development of nations has been a major contributing cause (if not the cause) of wars. Today, with the press of populations and the associated stress on the evironment, economic consdierations have become integral elements in overall "national security." Case studies include Russia, Albania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Lithuania, and Poland. Two entries appear most interesting: Leonid Kosal's "Russia's Military-Industrial Complex: Privatisation and the Emerging New Owners" (pp. 135-145) and "The External Relations of the Eastern European Countries: A Comparative Assessment" (pp. 169-177). Contact Director, Office of Information and Press, 1110 Brussels, Belgium.