
Cowdrey, Christian B. Shoot? Don't Shoot? Rules of Engagement in Peacekeeping Operations. School Of Advanced Military Studies, Army Command And General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth KS, May 1994.

This monograph examines the advantages and limitations of rules of engagement as tools for controlling peacekeeping operations. With the changing character of the international community and the disorder it is spawning a better understanding of how rules of engagement can help manage a crisis is essential to today's military commanders. First, this monograph seeks to explain the current state of the international community and why peacekeeping operations are likely to be around for some time to come. It gives definitions for each of the various types of peacekeeping operations the United States can expect to be involved with in the future. Case studies of Marine operations in Beirut, Lebanon in 1982-1984 and Somalia in 1992-1993 are used to identify key political, military, and legal considerations necessary for the successful development and execution of peacekeeping rules of engagement in the future.

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