Nannini, Vance J. Decisions in Operations Other Than War: The United States Intervention in Somalia. Army Command And General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth KS, Jun 1994.
This study investigates the policy decision of whether or not to disarm the various Somali clan factions during Operation Restore Hope (December 1992 - May 1993). With reference to the Command and General Staff College supplement to the model of analyzing a crisis situation found in FM 100-20, the situation in Somalia in late 1992 is examined in terms U.S. interests in the region, as well as the nature of Somali society (in terms of historical, economic, political and social aspects). Based upon an examination of those factors, the situation in Somalia is evaluated using the feasibility, suitability and acceptability criteria to determine if a policy decision of disarming the Somali clan factions would have been an appropriate U.S. response to the crisis.