
Morrison, Alex and Plain, Suzanne M. The New Peacekeeping Partnership, Canadian Forces College, Toronto (Ontario), Aug 1994.

Due to the imperatives of dramatic change in the international environment, there is developing a New Peacekeeping Partnership (NPP) among the military, humanitarian aid agencies, good governance officials and civilian police. The NPP is moving beyond the traditional peacekeeping role of military interposition to include an array of third-party activities designed to make international stability operations more effective. Both as a reflection of the increasing complexity of peacekeeping operations and indicative of the pressure governments are facing to decrease defense budgets and lower deficits, the New Peacekeeping partnership is, and must be by definition, more inclusive. Thus in an effort to encourage greater participation among nontraditional states possessed of the willingness to learn, traditional peacekeepers such as Canada are shifting their attention towards education, research and training. In this regard, the establishment of The Canadian Peacekeeping Centre represents a step in the right direction.

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