
"Advanced Team Decision Making In C2 Settings" Teamwork and collective training have been important issues for the military for some time. However, as the nature of military operations evolve in the post-cold war era, team skills become even more critical. Military organizations must possess a set of team skills that will enable them to operate effectively within the context of changing coalitions and evolving missions. In the past, training exercises and war games required team decision making, yet most exercises were designed to teach content rather than process. Such training has been very uneven and is dependent upon the particular interests and teaching skills of the instructors and leaders. Such training for team decision making should be made explicit and supported by a model of the team decision making process. This paper presents a model of Advanced Team Decision Making (ATDM) that reflects ten behaviors which are critical to effective teamwork. The paper also describes two studies which tested the usefulness of the model and describes an ATDM training program that has been incorporated into the core curriculum of the Industrial College of The Armed Forces.

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