
McKnight's collection of articles on jointness focuses on four major issues: operations (specifically, operational art), commanders, intelligence support, and interoperability. Organized into these four section, the 36 pieces that make up this volume include new and previously published work by senior military, government, and industry leaders from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Germany; authors include Colin Powell, Norman Augustine, John Wickham, and John Galvin. They address topicsfrom the tactical to the strategic, and forces from the US and NATO to the Soviet Union. Some articles take a historical point of view (like Jeffrey Record's on the reform of the German armed forces), while others are analysis of futures (such as Thomas Rona's article on possible developments in precision-guided munitions). A few articles have been overcome by events (for example, `A 'New' Soviet Doctrine: Origins and Implications') but, by and large, the suggestions and observations on planning, training, architectures, and development are interesting, useful, and relevant. Brief biographies are included, but no notes, references, or index.

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