
Coakley has collected and edited a series of five command and control seminars, cosponsored by NDU and Harvard's Program on Information Resources Policy. After a brief introduction, in which he outlines the significance of each of the components of C3I, Coakley presents the five seminars (`C3I in Crisis Management,' `Communications,' `Improving C3I,' `C3I and Organizational Structure,' and Intelligence-The Eyes of C3I'), followed by appendices containing brief biographical sketches of the major presenters, a listing of all the presenters and their topics arranged by seminar, and an index. Each seminar chapter begins with two to three pages of editorial overview. The remainder consists of portions of the speakers' presentations; these are annotated with references to the speaker's position or responsibilities (at the time of the seminar), so as to clarify their role, point of view, or interest. Further, unfamiliar or potentially confusing terms and acronyms are boldfaced in text and explained in the margin. Some presentation records include interchanges between the audience and the speaker, where this serves to illuminate or expand upon some point or aspect. Participants included senior military officers, intelligence chiefs, and high-ranking executive and legislative advisors.

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